The68th fine for delaying payment turns into labour insurance fund by committee of union grass-roots unit below, its utility and labour insurance fund are the same as. 第六十八条滞纳金由工会基层委员会转入劳动保险基金项下,其用途与劳动保险基金同。
While Europe decided to boost its tax-to-gross domestic product ratio in the 1970s and 1980s to fund an expanded range of education, training, labour market and family support programmes, the US did not. 上世纪70年代和80年代,欧洲决定提高税收与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率,以承担更大范围的教育、培训、劳动力市场和家庭补助计划,但美国没有这么做。
Overhead of etc of fare of the salary of personnel of treasurer of fund of conduction labour insurance of company treasurer department, office, subpoena, account book, forms for reporting statistics, all by business administration respect or burden of those representing capital. 企业会计部门办理劳动保险基金会计人员的工资、办公费用、传票、帐簿、报表及其他经常开支,均由企业行政方面或资方负担。
( b) as the smaller of the amount of fund, the distribution of resources out of balance, and a lower specialized division of labour, the specialized positioning should be localized so as to win an advantage in a specialized market; 资金规模相对较小,资源分布不平衡,专业化程度较低,应明确专业化定位,以在细分市场上赢得竞争优势;
The fund input scope of local government should be 0.027% to 0.18% of local GDP. The thesis combines the practice of informationization investment in zhuzhou city, and putting forward the informationization investment tactics of the labour and social insurance informationization. 地方政府建设资金投入规模应为当地GDP的0.027%至0.18%。本文结合株洲市进行劳动保障信息化投资的实践,提出劳动保障信息化建设投资的构建策略和思路。